Pakistan Model | Saman Hasnain

Saman Hasnain
She is married and the mother of two boys. She is originally from Lahore, Pakistan .She did her graduation from Kinnaird College, Lahore. In March 2010 .Saman received an award at the pride of performance ceremony By "Safeer-E-Pakistan" GEO TV (a local Pakistani award).
She is married and the mother of two boys. She is originally from Lahore, Pakistan .She did her graduation from Kinnaird College, Lahore. In March 2010 .Saman received an award at the pride of performance ceremony By "Safeer-E-Pakistan" GEO TV (a local Pakistani award).
Saman is a true role model for many married Pakistani women.
Her main focus and aim is to gear the younger generation of Pakistan towards education. Saman is also passionately involved with many charities that promote progression of women and education in Pakistan.
Saman plans to use her new title to increase her work and broaden her scope throughout the world.
Saman Hasnain the newly crowned Mrs. Pakistan World 2008 has one year to represent Pakistan in international pageants and promote Pakistan in a different way to the world.
She says , I would like to change the world’s perception of Pakistani women. It is important to raise funds and help resolve issues faced by Pakistan. I hope to act as a role model, and encourage, educate and motivate Pakistani women to help achieve a strong and progressive Pakistan .
Sonia Ahmed, president of Miss Canada Pakistan Inc., the organization who created Mrs. Pakistan World, says “Our goal is to show the world that Pakistani women have a global voice and a desire to progress and help change the world.” Ahmed created Miss Pakistan World in 2002, and as the 6th annual pageant approaches, she has seen her mission come to light as the crown winners have won several international titles and helped to prove that all Pakistani women can eventually have a positive and free-thinking future on a global scale.
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Saman Hasnain
With her almond shaped eyes, flawless skin and beautiful lips, Saman Hasnain at age 37 has gone down in history as Pakistan’s second Mrs. Pakistan World 2008.
She is a licensed realtor and loan officer.She is a happily married mother of 2 beautiful boys and has spent 15 years in the real estate industry.
She showed her charitable nature by helping build a school in a small village in Pakistan for 1000 children, and shown consistent support for DIL (Development in Literacy), all while volunteering at her children’s school in San Francisco.
Saman , who now lives in San Francisco with her family looks at this win as a great honour for Pakistani women.